Paul Washer Recomenda um Tema Para Você Estudar a Vida Inteira

Paul Washer Recomenda um Tema Para Você Estudar a Vida Inteira [Music] I write to myself and I write down things that other men have written when I feel that it is really from the Lord and and I.

Paul Washer Recomenda um Tema Para Você Estudar a Vida Inteira

Would like to just share with you before I start from things that that I have written to myself whether in the night watch or well.

Well brethren in your stewardship the greatest of all stewardship is the Gospel of Jesus Christ there is no greater privilege but to know him to.

Make him [Music] known you will never know him as he is even if you well even when you pass an eternity of eternities there will still.

Be far more glory to be revealed when you have traversed everything you think you can Traverse you've not even reached the foothills of the Everest that is Jesus Christ and.

That is your task to make Jesus known to God's people so as an older man I just want to read to you something that I have written to.

Myself no matter how knowledgeable or eloquent the preacher or how diligent and precise the writer they are no match for the smallest part of the Gospel of Jesus.

Christ who can count the grains of sand in the desert or the multitude of stars in the heavens and yet both tasks would be far easier than describing the excellencies and beauty of Christ and.

His gospel my friend John Newton wrote us it is impossible that either men or angels can fully sound the depth of this one.

Sentence that Jesus came into the world to save Sinners William Bates wrote now the doctrine of the Gospel excels the most noble Sciences as well as contemplative.

As practical it affects the soul with the highest admiration the strongest Spirits cannot comprehend its just greatness the understanding sinks under the weight of Glory the Apostle who had.

Seen the light of heaven and who had such knowledge as never any man before yet upon considering one part of the Divine wisdom breaks forth in astonishment oh the depths of the riches.

    Of the wisdom and the knowledge of God

    How unsearchable are his decrees and his ways past finding out it is fit when we have spent the strength strength of our minds and the.

    Consideration of this excelling object and are at the end of our subtleties to supply the defects of our understanding with admiration as the psalmist expresses himself Lord how wonderful are.

    They are thy thoughts usw I've written the writer and the preacher are prone to fail I have found some of the greatest preachers and their greatest messages.

    Have always started with an apology Spurgeon was often fond of saying though I had the mind and tongue of a serap I would fail in this matter of preaching the gospel the writer and.

    The preacher are prone to fail they're even destined to fail because the subject of the discourse is beyond the minds and words of men and angels even when the preacher has spent his strength.

    In study poured out his soul in prayer and exhausted his life he must Ste down from the pulpit with a bowed head knowing that the half the tenth part has not been.

    Told my dearest friend John Flavel wrote Oh Fair sun and fair Moon and fair stars and fair flowers and fair roses and fair lies and fair creatures but oh.

    10,000,000 times fairer Lord Jesus alas I wronged him in making the comparison this way oh black sun and moon but oh Fair Lord Jesus Oh black flowers and black lies Black Roses but oh fair fair.

    Even fairer Lord Jesus Oh all fair things black deformed and Without Beauty when you are set beside The Fairest Lord Jesus Oh Black heaven but oh Fair Christ oh Dark Angels but oh surpassing Fair.


    Jesus one of my problems in preaching is always I want to say too much but let me say.

    This listen to me young men a church because I wrote this to myself a church that is fed only upon principles and commands will languish from.

    Malnutrition its heart will wither its hope will fade and its Vitality will be drained but a church fed upon Christ and his gospel will go from strength to strength and.

    Glory to glory for the people who know their God will display strength the believer may make the study of Christ and his gospel a life discipline you have your Masters and.

    Your PhD but but you're not prepared seminaries cannot prepare you they can only give you the necessary tools so that you can spend the rest of.

    Your life in preparation the believer must make the minister must make the study of Christ in his gospel a life discipline and the minister must consider it to be his.

    Greatest stewardship he must spend long hours each day mining the gems mining the gems of God in Christ that he might present them to God's people with every.

    Opportunity you are going to be ministering to carpenters and mechanics and Housewives who would long to be able to have part of their day given to the.

    Study of scripture how dare you if you will not study for yourself study for them study for the bride of Christ every every day going into your studies with.

    One purpose to mine gems to mine gold to bring them to Christ's bride so that she' be encouraged that is your task above all other tasks the goal of all the ministers.

    Endeavors must be that God's people might turn their interest and affections to God that they might refuse the father of the world because they've tasted and seen that the Lord is good that their.

    Mind might be elevated their affections refined their character transformed and their soul completely satisfied in Christ and his gospel that's your task what a glorious.

    Task although the most disciplined Among Us will never reach the level of devotion that the gospel deserves we must attempt to give it are all even if it breaks our mind and.

    Body although the most insignificant of us will end his or even though the most insightful of us will end his or her days far short of knowing all that is to be known about Christ and his gospel it.

    Is still the most worthy Endeavor to which we could ever Inspire although the goal we have set for ourselves will not be attained even in eternity the transformation of our soul will be.

    Immeasurable immeasurable there is no affection in me that has not been created by SE being the virtue of Christ it's his beauty that draws out our affections it's his.

    Beauty that draws out the affections of God's people so if you're going to study study Christ again flal oh then study Christ study to know him more extensively there.

    Are many excellent things in Christ that the most eagle-eyed believer hath not yet seen ought his pity that anything of Christ should be hid from his people study to know Christ more.

    Intensively to get the experimental taste and Lively power of his knowledge upon your hearts and affections this is knowledge that carries all sweetness and comfort in it Spurgeon study Christ I'm.

    Saying this to you because Spurgeon said it to me study Christ the most excellent of all Sciences is the knowledge of a crucified savior he is most learned in.

    The universe of Heaven who knows most of Christ he who hath known most of him still says that his love surpasses knowledge Behold Him then with Wonder and behold him with.

    Thankfulness every it there isn't much but whatever piety is in me whatever strength to go on in spite of ailments and.

    Illnesses it is the beauty of Christ that draws out our affections and drives us to obedience this is the job of the minister don't trifle in small.

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