"A Orac a o Priorita ria pela Igreja" - Hensworth Jonas - CONFERÊNCIA OLD SCHOOL 2023

"A Orac a o Priorita ria pela Igreja" - Hensworth Jonas - CONFERÊNCIA OLD SCHOOL 2023 Tonight I am pleased to present you a message I have entitled prioritized prayer for the church my text is Ephesians chapter 1 verses 15 through 23. um please stand for the reading of the word of God therefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love.

For all the saints do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of Glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is.

The hope of his calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power because which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the.

Right hand of the Heavenly places in the Heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is and he put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things in the churches.

Which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all well this is the word of the Lord let us pray Heavenly Father by celestial help us tonight to love what you love um and hate what you hate help us to praise your saying well done.

Father as we listen to your inspired and infallible word expounded use it to conform us to the image of your dear son foreign foreign [Applause].

When we studied the Apostle Paul's prayers for the church like those in Philippians 1 Colossians 1 right here in Ephesians 1. and Ephesians it is interesting to note that these special prayers generally do not address the immediate circumstances of the church foreign.

[Music] their Affliction included loss of property serious health concerns hunger and poverty foreign why didn't the Apostle pray about these things was the Apostle teaching that it is illegitimate to pray about such concerns.

Certainly not coaster there's a known our Lord's uh moral prayer The Lord's Prayer which gives us our primary instruction concerning prayer clearly includes petitions like these Clara means also the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to have such petitions in his prayers.

For example First Timothy Chapter 2 verses one to three buddies therefore I exalt first of all that supplications prayers and intercessions and the giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and all who are in Authority that they may lead acquire that we may lead a quiet and Peaceable life in all godliness and reverence if foreign.

Of God our savior so the prayers from our Lord and the apostles prayers were never intended to be exhaustive in inappropriate petitions instead they give us general principles to guide our communication with our God the point is that in our text passage the Apostle is praying for the church.

And his focus is not on their material political economic or medical concerns you so foreign so that the Saints would grasp and cherish the riches of the grace of Christ and those So Far Cry he wanted them to get a fresh appreciation of God's grace that they.

    Already possessed

    This was the focus of his prayer the apostles love for the church forced him to pray and prioritize the only thing that will sustain them life is filled with frowning providences life is filled with trouble problema he did not focus on praying.

    Concerning the trouble yet enough problems he focused on praying so that they will see the riches of Christ the Apostle knew that even when the saints were enjoying smiling providences foreign their growth see it is no traversing as experiences.

    To experience smiling providences without a deep appreciation of the grace of Christ inevitably leads to self-righteousness this also leads to Pride and superficial religion superficial this is not profitable in anyone's Spiritual Development is shallowness leaves many into thinking that happiness is sustained by favorable.

    Circumstances only Korea so when things go south they become desperate is John Flavel taught that we should prefer the frowning providences to any graceless scenario Joe flavor is we should prefer the trouble in our lives uh.

    Before any situation where the favor of God is not pollutedly presents is a soy is afflictive providences to wean us from you know its affection it is Illustrated this by pointing to Basil's chronic prolonged and torturous.

    Headaches is the worst headaches then suddenly when the pain was gone basil found himself deeply immersed in egregious lustful thoughts these lustful thoughts are challenged his intimacy with God.

    It is it was great perversion so basil immediately petitioned the Lord to restore his headaches what is this treasure that the Apostle Paul petitioned the Lord God for on behalf of the church.

    How is it appropriated how is it applied to the life of the church foreign it's also a blessing for those who want to pray for their local church let us Analyze This teaching on the two headings from the text.

    Is number one the conferees of this treasure and number two the content of this stretch let's deal with the first one the conferees of this treasure I am looking at verses 15 and 16. it says therefore I also after I heard.

    Of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints

    Do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen he remembers upon whom is this treasure conferred a king is who are the beneficiaries the Apostle Paul was very careful to identify them please notice that in verse 15 the.

    Apostle said after I heard foreign this means that the Apostle addressed church members he used to significant some of whom he had never met our Goods describes Elijah my school is you see I heard is not as strong as I know Pierce however the Apostle followed in verse 16 to give a glowing Commendation.

    He was grateful to God for them they were prominent in his prayers he was convinced he was dealing with church members who were credible Believers in Christ what was the evidence of The credibility of their Christian profession there were two things that gave him confidence now this is very important in examining ourselves and evaluating our standing.

    With Christ it is never helpful to assume that all is well you must not do this with your physical health physical you must not make assumptions but you must not do this with your spiritual health myself examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith test yourselves do you not.

    Know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you are disqualified okay here are the two issues that the Apostle raised A and B to do is the beneficiaries of this treasure are people of Faith whose beneficiaries people of Faith look at the first part of verse 15. therefore I or also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus.

    The question here is are we genuine Believers this matter is significant in assessing The credibility and integrity of anyone standing is our faith genuine it is our association with Christianity merely formal or nominal christianism except foreign basis of your confidence in biblical Christianity Faith precedes.

    Life I said Faith precedes life it is what we believe determines how we live um both logically and experientially experience but this contradicts everything that we're hearing in Our Generations [Music] many if not most will confident.

    No matter what you believe moving to synonyms they say it's just your behavior that counts it is so important but biblically this is nonsense this is very basic and obviously the object of our faith must be abundantly cleared it's not just faith it must be faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Even though faith in the scriptures is indispensable to our spiritual growth is we don't have to understand and embrace the infallibility of the scripture to become a Christian music Christian morality and ethics are necessary evidences of faith [Music].

    If we present theological affirmations or moral consistency as the basis of our claim to be Christians we will only prove that we are not Christians at all we will only demonstrate that we avoid of Faith incredible professions of Faith involve an emphatic renunciation of any personal.

    Ability to produce sound theology we can't produce sound theology acceptable worship no it's nobody must produce we can't produce consistent morality we cannot on our own produce heart felt caring for others such professions of Faith rest totally on the merits of Christ in his active.

    And passive obedience the Hopeless is Christ But True Believers love Christ to live the life for them that God requires we look to Christ to die the death for us to cancel our Eternal death of sinus we have an infinite debt of sins and we need the infinite currency of his.

    Blood to cancel that dance any professional faith that is not focused on the merits of Christ is Faith any saving relationship with God is not happening without faith in Christ because hey [Music] is about the the beneficiaries are people of Faith.

    But B the beneficiaries of this treasure are people of love the next phrase in verse 15 is and your love for all the saints brothers and sisters ladies and Gentlemen please understand my message Christianity is not merely a mental affirmation Christian is while faith is the primary thing.

    The inevitable result will be a life of love Jesus suppose we believe for instance in critical race theory is this is a ridiculous Theory Theory says that all white people are oppressed every one of them did.

    This Theory says all black people are oppressed he is foreign now this will only fill us with racial hatred and a victim mentality that's for the black people but it will give the white people an irrational guilt and and it will make.

    Them even want to consider ridiculous Notions like reparation is that there has been slavery on every continent um foreign [Music].

    However changing one's habits is often a slow process regeneration maybe instance but sanctification is always incremental is a centrifice but make no mistake about it genuine faith will lead to a life of Christian love Uma fashion will increase to praise sometimes there is great confusion about this in many circles.

    Among those who are self-righteous those who are parasite there are often assumptions that one's Faith must be defective if there is no semblance of unbroken consistency in practice it is the antinomian person would like to assume that if the belief.

    Is orthodox there is no need to be morally consistent I've come here to tell you that both are wrong can a person be genuinely saved and yet be enveloped in iniquity is even for an extended time of course Club no genuine Christian is happy in sin for an extended uh uh uh indefinite period.

    Christ because our father is the best father because you know I'm a father sonpai I'm a grandfather but I don't watch my children or grandchildren 24 7 365. but God has surveillance of them that is immaculate am I still staying um.

    He's the best father AI so if whom the Lord loves he chastens just know you will never get away with anything does a person have a credible claim to saving faith when there is no evidence of a changed life such persons should not flatter themselves with testimonies of participating in church ceremonies.

    I don't care if you have been baptized or if you take the Lord's Supper regularly I don't care how extended your Bible knowledge is I don't care how many generations in your family have been Christians foreign about these matters.

    He said a true Christian is is altered in the inward frame of his soul there is planted a spring of better thoughts desires and aims than in other men um he labors more for the inward frame of heart than for his outward Carriage what he is ashamed to do he is also ashamed to think.

    Whatever he desires he desires to do it with love in his heart he said I hypocrite never cares for this thing we pocketed his care is for the outward part only if his outward behavior is acceptable to others being foreign this is indeed remarkable we must notice that the possible things.

    The Apostle could have written about that of the of the possible things the Apostle could have written about Christian practice he chose a specific practice as a compelling illustration of God's grace is and this is what changes your heart yes he wrote of your love for the Saints in verse 15. please don't let the words.

    This does not refer to a super Christian as some old traditions have held is he was referring to all the Believers in The Community of Faith he was referring to all of us all who are saved everyone is to be loved this is one of the ways we can tell that we are true believers foreign.

    [Music] [Applause] you know there are certain people who believe that certain people could cannot be racists they think the victims of racism cannot be racist does this mean that the color of your skin will will have totally exempt you.

    From committing particular sins look at James chapter 2 verses 1 through 4. my brethren do not hold the Faith of Our Lord Jesus the Lord Of Glory with partiality for if they should come into your assembly a man with gold rings in fine.

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